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****Shellbrook Swimming Pool lessons for the 2024 season will be live in April 15th at 7 am****** 

205 5th Ave East, Shellbrook

                 Children ages 0-6 require a caregiver ages 16+ must be within arms reach in the water. With a maximum of 2 children, per caregiver.

                 Children ages 7-10 require a caregiver ages 16+ must be supervising  the child at the facility, inside the fence.

Swimming Season Pass

Purchase your season swim pass here: Shellbrook Swimming Pool Season Pass

Public Swimming and Aquatic Programming Schedule

The Shellbrook Swimming Pool Schedule can be viewed on the Town of Shellbrook Website here: Swimming Pool Calendar

Swimming Lessons and Registered Aquatic Programming

To register for swimming lessons and aquatic programming please visit the Town of Shellbrook recreation booking software at the link below or call the Town Office or Swimming Pool during open hours.

Lesson Registration Here: Aquatic Programming Registration
Town Office: 306-747-4900
Shellbrook Pool: 306-747-2622

Birthday Parties/Private Rentals

The Shellbrook Swimming Pool is great place to have a Birthday Party (or a fun time with friends)! 

There are two options:

Birthday Party Lifeguard:
A lifeguard plays games and has fun with the Birthday Party for 1 hour. The party can then stay for the remainder of the public swim.
During a public swim- $ +GST for 10 participants
(Additional charge for more children)

To book call the Shellbrook Swimming Pool at 306-747-2622.

Private Rental:
Have the facility to yourself for an hour!
Sundays in June and Saturday and Sunday mornings in July and August.
Limited times available.

To book call the Shellbrook Swimming Pool at 306-747-2622 or visit the link: Private Pool Rentals.

Birthday Parties and Private Rentals must be booked 14 days in advance to allow guards to be scheduled. All booking are final.

Junior Lifeguard Club

What is the Junior Lifeguard Club?
The Junior Lifeguard Club offers an action-packed aquatic challenge for those who love the water, quick learners, those caught between levels or programs, and thrive in an energetic learning environment.  The Junior Lifeguard Club also keeps your swimmers engaged in aquatic learning helping to develop potential future lifeguards. The club stresses fun and skill development based on personal best achievement.

Within a Junior Lifeguard Club kids are able to learn new skills, make new friends, volunteer and help out within the community. Every time the children completes an award level or a personal goal, such as swimming skills, lifesaving skills, fitness, community education, lifesaving knowledge, or leadership, teamwork, and competition they receive a Recognition Seal to place in their Waterlog. Junior Lifeguard Clubs provide children some of the necessary training required to become lifeguards in the future!
Who can participate in Junior Lifeguard Club?

Friends and family members can join together – even if they are different ages and abilities. The club welcomes members between 8 and 15 years of age who can swim at least 25 meters and can tread water for at least 2 minutes.  No formal swimming lessons? No problem, it is another goal for them towards.

Bronze Medallion

Bronze Medallion challenges the candidate both mentally and physically.  Judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness – the four components of water rescue – form the basis of Bronze Medallion training. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on and around the water.  Stroke mechanics, endurance, and rescue of others are included. Bronze Medallion is a prerequisite for assistant lifeguard training in Bronze Cross. Includes a 400 metre timed swim within 12 minutes.
Prerequisites:  13 years of age OR Bronze Star certification (need not be current)
Course Length:  18 hours plus 2 or more hours for exam for up to 12 candidates
Candidate Manuals/Materials:  Canadian Lifesaving Manual
Expiry Date:  Two years from the date of certification (i.e. date on certification card)

Bronze Cross

Bronze Cross begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as assistant lifeguards.  Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities.  Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies.  Stroke mechanics and endurance are also included. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for advanced training in the Society’s National Lifeguard award (NLS) and leadership certification programs such as Lifesaving Instructor. Includes a 400 metre timed swim within 11 minutes.
Prerequisites:  Bronze Medallion certification (need not be current)
Course Length:  20 hours plus 2 or more hours for exam for up to 12 candidates
Candidate Books:  Canadian Lifesaving Manual
Expiry Date:  Two years from the date of certification (i.e. date on certification card)