Food Bank
The "Shellbrook and area district Ministerial Association" is a group led by clergy and lay people from all churches in our communities: Shellbrook, Canwood, Parkside, Leask, and Big River. A few years ago, after noticing food insecurity in our communities, and seeing the increasing demands from families in need, a local food bank was created, in order to respond to these needs. So far, we were providing 6 hampers/family each year, not including the yearly Christmas hampers. This year, we are hoping to increase it to 12 hampers/family each year, on a 9-month trial basis, not including the yearly Christmas hampers, in order to help these families. We have limited financial resources, and we cannot do this alone. We need your help. Make a difference today! Every dollar counts, and your donations will greatly benefit many families in our communities. Feel free to make a cheque out to the "Shellbrook and area Food Bank" and mail it to our treasurer Pastor Dave Whalley: Box 97, Holbein, SK, S0J1G0. If you want a tax receipt, feel free to donate through one of the local churches in your community, and make sure you mark it as a donation for the food bank. For more information, please contact Pastor David Bodvarson: (306)747-7235 or Pastor Dave Whalley: (306)747-2804. On behalf of the Ministerial, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous donations."
Food bank Coordinator Linda Lundy 306-960-6879